Paper Flower Bouquet


Paper Flower Bouquet - The trend of paper bouquets is one of favorites. Everyone would love to admire her bridal bouquet even after ten, fifteen or twenty years.It will last forever and also wonderful.


Flowers made of paper can be the cheapest way of decorating your wedding. From the smallest wedding details to the most important bridal accessories, one can choose any color and style for the décor.


There are so many possibilities to combine colors and flowers, style and original ideas. Bridal paper bouquets are elegant, sophisticated and can be accessorized with crystals, beads, brooches, feathers.


This is the opportunity to create things that will make future brides happy not only on the wedding day but also after the wedding.


The wedding paper bouquet can be made with roses, peonies and other flowers in contrasting colors and adorned with fashion brooches, crystals, and feathers.


The handle can be wrapped in shiny plastic rhinestone mesh trim and some silver crystals. Paper bouquets can be customized in any color you want.


The roses mixed with the peonies and other flowers replace the traditional all-rose bouquets, giving the impression of a real fresh bouquet. This is absolutely unique and perfect for a sophisticated bride.


If you want to spruce them up a little just add a little greenery or fillers such as beads sprays.


Sparkle them with a little spray glue sprinkle on a small amount of glitter and let dry then spray with a clear gloss spray that can be used on paper let this dry and you will have a sparkling bouquet.


Or you could add a few beads to add a little dazzle to it and all you have to do to put the beads on is get a good paper glue and glue the beads on to your flowers wherever you want them.


Just add a little personality and creativity to your wedding day and make your dream come true.

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